‘Social media’ is defined as online social networks used to disseminate information through online interaction.
Regardless of whether social media is used for business related activity or for personal reasons, the following standards apply to members of our practice team, including general practitioners. Practitioners and team members are legally responsible for their postings online. Practitioners and team members may be subject to liability and disciplinary action including termination of employment or contract if their posts are found to be in breach of this policy.
Our practice has appointed the Practice Manager as our social media officer with designated responsibility to manage and monitor the practice’s social media accounts. All posts on the practice’s social media websites must be approved by this person.
When using the practice’s social media, all members of our practice team will not:
All members of our practice team must obtain the relevant approval from our social media officer prior to posting any public representation of the practice on social media websites. The practice reserves the right to remove any content at its own discretion.
Any social media must be monitored in accordance with the practice’s current polices on the use of internet, email and computers. Our practice complies with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) national law, and takes reasonable steps to remove testimonials that advertise our services (which may include comments about the practitioners themselves). Our practice is not responsible for removing (or trying to have removed) unsolicited testimonials published on a website or in social media over which we do not have control.
Any social media posts by members of our practice team on their personal social media platforms should:
Social media activities internally and externally of the practice must be in line with this policy.