If you are travelling overseas, it is important to see your doctor at least 6 weeks before your trip to update your protection. Some vaccines require a number of doses and others can take several weeks to become effective.

Please call to make a booking with your GP and vaccination nurse.

Your vaccination needs may be different for each trip. They depend on your destinations, type of travel, the duration of your stay and season of travel, as well as any medical conditions you may have.

Common travel requirements include:

  • Tetanus / diphtheria injection / whooping cough vaccine
  • Polio vaccine
  • Hepatitis A / B injections
  • Typhoid capsules or injection
  • Malaria tablets
  • Yellow fever injection and certificate

Other vaccines used less often include meningococcal vaccine, cholera, rabies Japanese and encephalitis.

Speak to your doctor about other health issues for your trip, such as:

  • What to take in your medical kit
  • Traveller’s diarrhoea prevention and treatment
  • Prevention of insect bites. Mosquito bites can cause malaria, dengue fever etc
  • Prevention of sexually transmitted disease
  • Jet lag
  • Motion sickness and altitude sickness
  • Rabies prevention

If you would like more information on this or other topics, please ring the clinic and make an appointment with your doctor.

  • Beaconsfield (03) 9796 1445
  • Belgrave South (03) 9754 7477