The Medical Clinic is delighted to offer 24-hour blood pressure monitoring onsite. It allows you to go on with your daily activities while checking your blood pressure without having to interrupt your day.There is usually minimal wait time for the appointment and it is fitted and removed here in the clinic by the nurse. Reports are fast, making it easier to have a timely discussion regarding the results with your GP.

A blood pressure monitoring cuff is fitted to your arm and attached to a small, lightweight device you need to wear for the 24 hours. A follow up appointment is made 24 hours later with the nurse for removal of the device.

Your blood pressure is monitored every 30 minutes during 7am-10pm and hourly from 10pm-7am. It only takes a few seconds and will feel similar to having your blood pressure checked by your GP or nurse.

This can show your GP how your blood pressure fluctuates over the day and night. It will show your GP if your blood pressure is high and how to better manage your health.

You should book an appointment with your GP to discuss the results and what steps can be taken if your blood pressure is shown be high.

It is $150.00 with a $99.75 rebate, leaving you out of pocket $50.25

A $100 cash bond is taken at the time of fitting and is returned to you at the time the machine is returned to the clinic.

If you would like more information on this please ring the clinic and make an appointment with your doctor.

  • Beaconsfield (03) 9796 1445
  • Belgrave South (03) 9754 7477